
A Note on the Security in the Card Management System of the German E-Health Card

This is a paper I wrote about the German E-Health Card ("Gesundheitskarte"), where I've analyzed the security implications of the Card Management System (CMS). I presented the paper at eHealth 2010 in Casablanca, Morocco, last week. While previous work did a lot of security analysis concerning the German Healthcare Telematics infrastructure -- including network security, access control, peripheral parts, and platform security -- the card management system was neglected and got less or no notice from security experts. However, taking a closer look into the specifications from Gematik, one can find serious security flaws and conflicting requirements that ultimately lead to a loss of data sovereignty of the patient, i.e., the patient is not under control of his/her data stored in electronic health records (EHR) any more. The good news are that the deployment of the CMS and especially the EHR within the telematics is currently on hold. But the bad news are that the specification of the CMS is still in an insecure state and might be used in future when EHR systems are going to be deployed that use the eHC.

From the abstract:
The German compulsory health insurance system will introduce an electronic health card (eHC) in the near future. The eHC is supposed to enable new applications like securely storing electronic health records of patients in a central data center infrastructure so that health professionals can access these data via a common network. In this context, the card management system (CMS) is of special interest since it is used to personalize, issue, and maintain the cards. In this paper, we analyze the functional requirements specification of the CMS in Germany and identify several conflicting and ambiguous requirements. As the most important result, the specification defines technical measures that are insufficient to protect the data and data sovereignty of the patient. We discuss the resulting consequences, which might be helpful to improve the system design before its final deployment.

More information: [Paper] [Slides]


Securing the E-Health Cloud

This is the title of a paper I wrote together with Hans Löhr and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi. Today, I have presented it at IHI 2010 in Arlington, Virginia, USA. In this paper, we point out several shortcomings of current e-health solutions and standards, particularly they do not address the client platform security, which is a crucial aspect for the overall security of e-health systems. To fill this gap, we present a security architecture for establishing privacy domains in e-health infrastructures. Our solution provides client platform security and appropriately combines this with network security concepts.

We present two models of e-health clouds: a simple one pertaining Personal Health Records (PHRs), and an advanced one pertaining Electronic Health Records (EHRs). We point out the difference in the paper, and discuss three major security problem areas: (i) data storage and processing, (ii) infrastructure management, and (iii) usability.

To solve on of the problems, i.e., that of client platform security, we propose to construct privacy domains for the patients’ medical data as a technical measure to support the enforce- ment of privacy and data protection policies: Systems (e.g., a client PC) must be able to partition execution environ- ments for applications into separate domains that are iso- lated from each other. Data is kept within a privacy domain, and the domain infrastructure ensures that only authorized entities can join this domain. Moreover, data leakage from the domain is prevented by the security architecture and the domain infrastructure. Therefore, the same system can be used for different work flows that are strictly isolated. The following picture shows the architecture:

Moreover, we discuss in the paper open research challenges in e-health scenarios, in particular those related to healthcare telematics infrastructures.

[Paper] [Slides]


Patterns for Secure Boot and Secure Storage in Computer Systems

This is a paper I wrote together with Hans Löhr and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi. It was presented at the SPattern 2010 workshop, co-located to the ARES 2010 conference. This paper describes two fundamental concepts of trusted computing in terms of security patterns, namely the Secure Boot pattern and the Secure Storage pattern. Although security patterns exist for operating system security, access control, and authentication, there have not been any on trusted computing particularly (to the best of our knowledge). Secure boot is at the heart of most security solutions and secure storage is fundamental for application-level security: it ensures that the integrity of software is verified before accessing stored data. Our paper aims at complementing existing system security patterns by presenting the common patterns underlying the different realizations of secure boot and secure storage.

[Paper] [Slides]


A Pattern for Secure Graphical User Interface Systems

This is a paper I wrote together with Thomas Fischer and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi. It was presented at SPattern 2009 workshop in Linz. Several aspects of secure operating systems have been analyzed and described as security patterns. However, previous patterns do not cover explicitly the secure interaction of users with the user interface of applications. A secure user interface system has to provide a trusted path between the user and the application the user intends to use. The trusted path must be able to ensure integrity and confidentiality of the transmitted data, and must allow for the verification of the authenticity of the end points. Our paper presents a pattern for secure graphical user interface systems and evaluates its use in different implementations. This pattern shows how to fulfill the security requirements of a trusted path while preserving, in a policy-driven way, the flexibility that graphical user interfaces generally demand.

The central idea is to mediate all user input/output through a Secure User Interface (SUI) system, and to separate the content drawn by applications from what is actually displayed on the screen. The SUI controls solely the graphics rendering hardware and the input events from the user input devices (typically, keyboard and mouse). The picture shows the participating elements.

[Paper] [Slides]