So I also watched that video and quickly recognized that this was a phishing attack using social engineering tricks. Moreover, after a quick research on Youtube I discovered several such videos for different games. They all share a common pattern and trick the users to send their password to a certain e-mail address.
Basically, all these videos promise something like "how to hack an account" or "how to get 1000 gold". They claim that they discovered a hidden function that usually would be used by the game masters of that online game. To activate the function, you would only need to send an e-mail with a certain structure to a particular e-mail address. Within those structures is always the account name and account password (that's the phishing indicator #1 - NEVER send passwords via e-mail somewhere!).
Moreover, all those videos name as e-mail address to send the request for the hidden function some address which is never under the domain of the corresponding company developing or running the online game. Mostly, these are semi-anonymous e-mail address or (phishing indicator #2 - similar, but not exactly correct internet addresses).
Here are some examples, just search on YouTube:
(Warning: Phishing attacks! Do not follow what they tell you!!)
- Phishing video "How to Scam an account on WoW!!!"
- Phishing video "WoW Account Hack [Easy]" (german)
- Phishing video "Herr der Ringe Online Account Hack [Easy]" (german)
And there are even more. Some of them are online since two years and more! I can't believe this still works. But, like other Phishing in e-commerce and online banking, there are still a lot of people who are tricked by these attacks.
I think it would be a good idea and help users to describe these attacks on the web sites of the online game manufacturers and also on the welcome screen when you log in to your account in the game. There are still people who do not understand these attacks -- we need to tell them!